Friday, March 25, 2011

Day #1

Ok, so my Roca Labs formula came yesterday right before I left for work. Today I woke up, read through the instructions one last time and decided to give it a try. I opened a bag of the formula and smelled it... I didn't really smell much of anything. Next, I poured the contents of the bag into the cute little canister that was included (it filled up about 3/4 of the canister). I pulled the shaker out of the box (which came in a cute little bag), placed the scoop into the canister and measured out my 350 ml of water. If you're wondering how much that is, it's about 3/4 of a 17 oz. bottle of water. They included 2 flavors of Crystal Light drink mix in the box (to mix in with the formula). I had a choice of fruit punch or cherry pomegranate; so I went with the cherry pomegranate. The instructions said to use a flat teaspoon of the drink mix, but I was afraid it would be too strong, so I used about 1/2. I added the drink mix to my measured water and shook it up. Next, I measured out my formula using the handy little scoop they included. I thought about just using 1 scoop since it's my first day, but decided to throw in another 1/2 scoop because I was afraid it wouldn't be enough since I'm a bigger woman. I put the lid on, and shook, shook, shook. I considered drinking it straight down, but I forgot to weigh myself and wanted a true beginning weight.

So this brings me to my weight... Oh my goodness! I'm officially at the highest I've ever weighed. The scale showed 288.7 pounds. That's a lot of weight for my 5'2" body. God I hope this stuff works. I feel like I'm at my last option. I've even looked into having weight loss surgery, but my insurance won't pay for all of it.

Back to the formula... so I got back from weighing myself (and wiping away a few tears); the mixture had thickened up quite a bit. I stirred it, and it was sort of like a pudding consistency. I took a bite... not bad, but it didn't have a lot of flavor. At this point I'm thinking I should have used all of the Crystal Light that they recommended, or maybe I should have used something other than water to mix it. But ok, I can get through this. I'll have many days to follow and experiment with it. I take a few more bites... I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to get it all down because the texture is getting thicker and it's looking like quite a bit to eat.

Well, I did get it all down. It took me awhile only because I have issues with certain textures. It took me about 15 minutes to get it all down and it thickened up a little more during my procrastination and drinking of water, but it never got any thicker than a really thick pudding (kind of like if you mixed pudding and gelatin together).

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